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My name is Ella Forssling and I'm living in a tiny city in a tiny country. Gothenburg, Sweden.

Well, I'm dreaming big. When I take a look on my future I see myself in fashionable chlothes runing the streets of New York. Maybe with a camera in my hand? I would love working with eather fashion or photagraphy, maybe both in some kind of magazine? Well now I'm just wasting your time on unnecessary facts.


Age: 17, born in 1998.

Family: Mother, father, bro, bff and the best squad in the world.

Hobbies: Basketball, photagraphy, fashion, Justin Bieber

Who's Ella? Energetic, good sence of humor (according to myself, lol), competitive and caring. 

Study: Mikael Elias Gymnasium (Gothenburg)

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